How to write emails that people will actually read

Have you ever felt like your emails just go into a black hole? You're not alone. According to a study by ReturnPath, around 21% of marketing emails never make it to the recipient's inbox. Of those that do, only about 2% are actually opened. But what if there was a way to increase those opening rates? In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how to write emails your customers will actually read.

1. Start with a clear and concise subject line

The subject line of an email is like the headline of a news article: it needs to be clear, concise, and interesting enough to make the reader want to learn more. A good subject line will tell the reader what the email is about and why they should care, without being so long that it gets cut off in their inbox. In general, it's best to keep subject lines under 60 characters. And if you're sending an important email, take some time to craft a subject line that accurately reflects the contents of the message. A well-written subject line can mean the difference between an email that's read and one that's quickly deleted.

2. Write in a friendly, conversational tone

When you're writing an email, it's important to sound like a real person. That means using natural language and a friendly, conversational tone. This will make it more likely that your email will be read and responded to. It's also important to avoid sounding too formal or stiff, as this can come across as cold or impersonal.

3. Use short, easy-to-read sentences

When you're writing an email, it's important to use short, easy-to-read sentences. This will make it more likely that your email will be read and understood. It's also important to avoid using jargon or technical language, as this can make your email difficult to understand. So take some time to think about how you want to communicate your message before you start writing.

4. Get to the point

It's important to get to the point quickly. This will make it more likely that your email will be read and responded to. It's also important to avoid rambling on, as this can make your email seem unimportant or uninteresting.

5. Use bullet points to organize your thoughts

If you have a lot of information to include in your email, it can be helpful to use bullet points. This will help to make your email more organized and easier to read. It's also important to avoid using too many bullet points, as this can make your email seem overwhelming.

6. Make sure your email is easy to navigate

When you're writing an email, it's important to make sure that your email is easy to navigate. This means using clear headings and subheadings and including links to relevant information. It's also important to avoid using too much text, as this can make your email seem daunting.

7. Include images to provide warmth and understanding

Images can help to provide warmth and understanding in your email. They can also help to break up large blocks of text, making your email more visually appealing.

8. Include personalised content

Personalised content can help to make your email more relevant and engaging. It's also a great way to show your recipients that you understand their needs and requirements.

Where suitable, use personalisation in images to better engage with the reader. This is easy to achieve with OKZest and an Email Service Provider (ESP) such as mailchimp.

9. Use a signature

A signature is a good way to end your email. It helps to give your email a professional look and feel and can also provide recipients with your contact information.

10. Proofread your email before sending it

Before you send your email, it's important to proofread it. This will help to ensure that your email is free of any typos or grammatical errors. It's also important to check that your email makes sense and is easy to understand.

11. Send your email at an appropriate time

When you're sending an email, it's important to consider the time of day that you're sending it. You'll need to consider the time zone of your recipients, as well as their working hours. You'll also need to consider whether your email will be received during work hours or during leisure time.


These simple tips will help you write better email content that your customers will engage with. But don't just take our word for it -- give them a try!

If you want to make your emails even more personalised and engaging, why not use the OKZest to create personalised images?

We hope you found these tips helpful. Thanks for reading!