OKZest – March 2023 Updates


We've achieved some more sales on AppSumo, with no cancellations but no reviews yet. We need reviews to get listed on their home page, so we are going to email our customers to ask for a review.

We have updated our listing to state that we now include Twitter functionality (details below).


In February we had 83 followers, on 4th March it had a sharp drop to 59! I don't know why, it doesn't seem organic; it's likely that a change within Twitter resulted in this, perhaps some of the followers were bots. Since then, we have climbed back up to 70 followers. Using Publer's 'Recycle' function (combined with Spintax format), we have continued to add new posts that get repeated on a weekly/monthly basis.

We Released New Products for Twitter Outreach

We have been getting a high level of engagement via Twitter DMs. Some have purchased via the AppSumo deal and we have had a lot of feedback to help shape our messaging and product.

New Twitter Products

In last months' blog post, we teased that we were making public a tool that we have been using internally for months – this is it!

We have released two Twitter DM products:

  • Twitter Send – Send personalised DMs (text and images) to thousands of people
  • Twitter Receive – Shows who have replied to your DMs

See our plans page for details on the number of DMs you can send per day.

We have a list of Twitter related features we would like to add, but they are reliant on the Twitter API. Access to the Twitter API is currently free, but will soon cost $100/month for 63,000 tweets for their 'Basic' plan and a reported $42,000/month for their Enterprise level access.

The Basic plan isn't suitable for what we need as it doesn't have the numbers and has speed limitations. They haven't defined all levels of the Enterprise plan yet, so we need more details on this. So we are waiting for more details of the Enterprise plan costs and features before we invest too much time in additional Twitter functionality.

Login via Twitter

You can now login via Twitter authentication.

Email Outreach

We are continuing to outreach to people using cold email, sending 300 emails per day, although the results have not been good. We will add a lot more emails, to find messages that work, we may need to change the target audience we are emailing.

We have fully documented the steps required to set up cold email in an online guide and downloadable PDF.

Improved Home Page

The feedback we've had suggests that some people don't understand our concept.

It isn't clear how much time and research people are doing on our website. It's possible that many people are only looking at the very top of the home page and getting not getting a clear understanding of our product and the problem it solves.

So we are looking at way to improve the top of the home page. We need to try a few design changes and A/B test them.

Internal Tools

We have added an administration dashboard to show how many users exist at each subscription plan each month. This helps us track growth.

Blogs, Newsletters and Podcasts

We have compiled a list of contacts for various media outlets and are currently in the process of contacting them.

Please get in touch if you would like us to be on your podcast!

New Products

If you're in the events and planning space, follow us for announcements on a new feature you might like. We have prioritised its development following a request from someone in the events industry.

If there are new features you would like added, please add them to our feature request board.